Daily writing prompt
Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

I vividly remember my favorite book from childhood, the one that eclipsed all others, even the iconic Lord of the Rings. It was the Iron Tower Trilogy by Dennis L. McKiernan. I was around 13 years old, and it was a summer that I’ll never forget. My family had taken our annual trip to my grandfather’s farm, and as always, the days were filled with hard work and simple pleasures.

We had just finished a morning of backbreaking hay work under the blazing sun. The scent of fresh-cut hay still lingered in the air as we gathered around the kitchen table for lunch. My grandfather, with his weathered hands and wise eyes, shared stories from his youth between bites of homemade pie. After the plates were cleared and the chores momentarily at bay, I found myself with a rare opportunity to sit and read.

Normally, it was tough for me to sit still for long stretches, but this was different. The Iron Tower Trilogy had me utterly captivated from the first page. As I sank into the cool shade of the front porch, the farm’s sounds faded away, and I was transported to a world of knights, magic, and epic battles. Nestled in an old wicker chair, I could hear the distant mooing of cattle and the soft clucking of chickens, but my mind was lost in the adventures of Tuck, Galen, and the dark forces they fought against.

What made this experience so magical was the tranquility of the farm contrasted with the thrilling journey unfolding in my hands. The Iron Tower Trilogy wasn’t just a book; it was an escape, an adventure that lit up my imagination in ways no other story had before. Each chapter was a new discovery, each plot twist a delightful surprise. I remember the feeling of the sun setting, casting a golden hue over the fields, and me furiously turning pages, eager to know what happened next.

Even over the years, the magic of that summer hasn’t faded. The Iron Tower Trilogy still holds a special place in my heart. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the incredible ability of books to transport us to distant lands and breathtaking adventures. Reading that series at my grandfather’s farm remains one of my most cherished memories, a perfect blend of labor, leisure, and literary wonder.

So yes, do I remember my favorite book from childhood? Absolutely. The Iron Tower Trilogy wasn’t just my favorite; it was a portal to another world and a timeless companion during those hot, dusty summer days. And even today, it continues to inspire and captivate my imagination.

I’d love to hear from you! What was your favorite childhood book, and where were you when you first read it? Share your stories in the comments below — let’s take a walk down memory lane together. If you enjoyed this article and want more nostalgic reads and book recommendations, don’t forget to clap 👏, like 👍, follow, and subscribe. Your support means everything! Happy reading! 📚✨

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